2021 American Silver Eagles (v.1) available as of January 16th
.999 Silver and American Silver Eagles (ASEs)
I have available American Silver Eagles, from a minimum order of 60 ASEs up to a full Monster Box of 500 ASEs. Note: I do NOT ship ASEs (except for First Salutes situations below). Please call for local payment/delivery details. In 2015, I am uniquely positioned to sell ASEs to the 30,000 cruise ship passengers and 2500 crewmembers. Likewise, I can assist the crew on any of the 750 freighters while they visit the Port of Astoria or wait in the Astoria Anchorage before moving to their berths in Portland, Vancouver, Cathlamet, Rainier, or Longview. I’ve served 10 years at sea and I understand this unique situation.
First Salute American Silver Eagles: If you are the Point of Contact for your Academy, OCS, Direct Commission, ROTC, or Warrant Officer appointment class prior to receiving your Military Commissions, I can assist in the Silver Dollar for your First Salute (minimum order waived).